Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191 2024-12-08 17:01:27

Ethereum’s Staking Yields Rise, But 1Fuel’s DeFi Features Appeal to New Investors

One would expect Ethereum’s staking yield to be higher since it has the largest PoS by market cap, but that is not the case. The Ethereum staking yield is currently 3%, far lower than the 7-21% other PoS protocols offer. Continue Reading:Ethereum’s Staking Yields Rise, But 1Fuel’s DeFi Features Appeal to New Investors The post Ethereum’s Staking Yields Rise, But 1Fuel’s DeFi Features Appeal to New Investors appeared first on COINTURK NEWS.
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