Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191 (SONT)

Description is a product built with security as the highest priority. All coins are securely stored on cutting-edge hardware wallets. The user-friendly interface of Sonata is tuned for beginners and skilled brokers alike. It is packed with advanced functionality, including custom AI price prediction. Users are able to explore the full potential of chat rooms on the platform and learn directly from expert brokers.

Full Name (SONT)
Start Date 2018-11-10
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @Sonata_ai
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details is a product built with security as the highest priority. All coins are securely stored on cutting-edge hardware wallets. The user-friendly interface of Sonata is tuned for beginners and skilled brokers alike. It is packed with advanced functionality, including custom AI price prediction. Users are able to explore the full potential of chat rooms on the platform and learn directly from expert brokers.


  • Eduard Sedlmajer: CEO, investor
  • Jakub Langr: Project director. 
  • Radim Bastan: Public relations manager. 
  • Tomas Prochazka: Sales Manager. Pre-sale ICO began on July 1, 2018, and ended at February 27, 2019. ICO began on March 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 50% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 250,000,000 SONT tokens available, for 0.000717 ETH each. The ICO funding cap is 21,000,000 USD and is expected to end on May 1, 2019, or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (50%):

  • 25% Acquisitions;
  • 20% Team, investors, advisors;
  • 5% Bounty system. ICO features a bounty campaign as well as the following bonus structure.

Bonus Structure:

  • Public Sale 1 - 15%;
  • Public Sale 2 - 10%;
  • Public Sale 3 - 5%.
ICO Status Ongoing
Token Supply 500000000
Start Date 2019-03-01
End Date 2019-05-01
Fund Raised (BTC) N/A
Fund Raised (USD) N/A
Start Price (USD) 0.000717
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form Corporation
ICO Jurisdiction United Kingdom
Legal Advisers N/A
White Paper (SONT) News

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