Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191
1 SharkGate (SHKG) Rank 8981
SharkGate (SHKG) Rank 8981
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SharkGate (SHKG)

SharkGate (SHKG)


SharkGate (SHKG) Price

SharkGate (SHKG) 24h Vol

SharkGate (SHKG) Market Cap

SharkGate (SHKG) Circulating

Full Name
SharkGate (SHKG)
ETH Token
BTC Price
0.00000001 BTC
BTC Market
BTC 24h Vol
Total Coins Mined
0 %
0 %
0 %


SharkGate provides a solution that does not depend on one solitary party or some paid subscription, but instead about a network of websites who all share in the evolving of the firewall, everybody profits, everybody contributes and actually uses the power of the hackers own attacks against themselves.

SharkGate tokens (SHKG) are utility tokens. Utility tokens are units of services that can be purchased. These tokens can be compared to API keys, used to access the service. After purchase, they give access to and are the only way to use the SharkGate website protection service. Think of our utility token as an access key to participate in the SharkGate decentralized application and service on top of a blockchain network. SharkGate tokens (SHKG) do not grant their holder ownership in SharkGate or equity in SharkGate or the right to participate in the control, direction, or decision making of SharkGate.

Full Name SharkGate (SHKG)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @SharkGateToken
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
ICO Details

ICO Details

SharkGate provides a solution that does not depend on one solitary party or some paid subscription, but instead about a network of websites who all share in the evolving of the firewall, everybody profits, everybody contributes and actually uses the power of the hackers own attacks against themselves.

SharkGate tokens (SHKG) are utility tokens. Utility tokens are units of services that can be purchased. These tokens can be compared to API keys, used to access the service. After purchase, they give access to and are the only way to use the SharkGate website protection service. Think of our utility token as an access key to participate in the SharkGate decentralized application and service on top of a blockchain network. SharkGate tokens (SHKG) do not grant their holder ownership in SharkGate or equity in SharkGate or the right to participate in the control, direction, or decision making of SharkGate.


  • Jonathan Morrissey: Founder & CEO. 
  • Marc Roberts: Co-Founder, CTO. 
  • Tomi Kervinen: Co-Founder, COO. 
  • Ivana Polonijo: Head Of Operations. 

SharkGate ICO began on March 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 50% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 500,000,000 SHKG tokens available, for 0.0004 ETH each. The ICO funding target is 2,000 ETH, the funding cap is 200,000 ETH and is expected to end on April 1, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (50%):

  • 22% Marketing / PR;
  • 18% Operations;
  • 5% Partnership;
  • 5% Legal.

SharkGate ICO features a bounty campaign.

ICO Status Finished
Token Supply 1000000000
Start Date 2019-03-01
End Date 2019-04-01
Fund Raised (BTC) N/A
Fund Raised (USD) N/A
Start Price (USD) 0.0004
Security Audit Company N/A
ICO Legal Form Corporation
ICO Jurisdiction UK
Legal Advisers N/A
White Paper
SharkGate (SHKG) News

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