Cryptocurrencies: 25539
Markets: 101144
Market Cap: $3,051,396,485,227     
24h Vol: $212,103,331,020
1 Pool-X (POL) Rank 41
Pool-X (POL) Rank 41
Website Twitter
8,585,483,233 POL

Pool-X (POL)

Pool-X (POL)


Pool-X (POL) Price

Pool-X (POL) 24h Vol

Pool-X (POL) Market Cap

Pool-X (POL) Circulating

Full Name
Pool-X (POL)
BTC Price
0.00000304 BTC
BTC Market
26,084 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
2,204 BTC
Total Coins Mined
8,585,483,233 POL
0.24 %
1.38 %
-1.11 %

Pool-X (POL)


Pool-X is an exchange that provides liquidity for staked crypto. It is a state of free-market that enables the integration of diversified crypto assets and multi-node on the public chain. Users can trade the staked crypto assets in the platform and obtain liquidity. Furthermore, based on the nature of the Pool-X mechanism, the node can build up a connection with the Pool-X liquidity trading market to enhance its competitive strength and ultimately gather more node votes. Other types of staking digital assets will be progressively supported as the staking business matures.

POL (Proof Of Liquidity) is a decentralized token issued by the Pool-X exchange based on TRON’s TRC20 protocol. It is in the nature of zero reservations to be provided to the team or any individual upfront. Playing a substantial role in the Pool-X ecosystem, POL bridges between tokens that are staked and those in circulation, paying with which allows the users to obtain instant liquidity even when the crypto assets are still in staking. POL is an incentive for participants who contribute to balance the market volatility and ecological governance, as well as the fuel for extracting Pool-X system resources.

Full Name Pool-X (POL)
Start Date 1906-06-07
Algorithm N/A
Proof Type N/A
Twitter @pool_x_official
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined 8,585,483,233 POL
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
Pool-X (POL) News

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