Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191
1 Nexus (NXS) Rank 5771
Nexus (NXS) Rank 5771
Website Twitter

Nexus (NXS)

Nexus (NXS)


Nexus (NXS) Price

Nexus (NXS) 24h Vol

Nexus (NXS) Market Cap

Nexus (NXS) Circulating

Full Name
Nexus (NXS)
BTC Price
0.00000046 BTC
BTC Market
BTC 24h Vol
Total Coins Mined
0.03 %
69.35 %
51.02 %

Nexus (NXS)


Nexus is an innovative crypto currency - the coin runs off its own algorithm and has a well though through infrastructure that takes it beyond bitcoin and other 1 st generation crypto currencies - it has a checks and balances system for sending coins - where transactions can be retrieved if sent to a wrong address. The proof of stake rate is 2% up to a coin cap of 78 million.

Full Name Nexus (NXS)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm SHA3
Proof Type PoW/n
Twitter @NxsEarth
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time 300
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
Nexus (NXS) News
How to Buy Nexus Coin?

How to Buy Nexus Coin?

Nexus is a community-focused project with a shared vision of a world inspired by innovative and responsible values, comprehensive technology, and a fundamental connection quality that is ubiquitous, free, and open to everyone. Nexus has been mined without an ICO or pre-mining since September 23, 2014.Technology, science, ai, gaming, business and finance news: Newslinker.coContinue Reading:How to Buy Nexus Coin?

access time image 01-17-2024 20:45

Affyn Reveals The Next 44 Cities Set To Join NEXUS World Metaverse

Affyn Reveals The Next 44 Cities Set To Join NEXUS World Metaverse

Singapore, Singapore, 2nd February, 2023, Chainwire City Launch Wave 1 will release 1,750 geolocation-based Land NFTs covering London, Dublin, and Glasgow Fresh from the success of its “City Launch Wave 0,” Singapore-based blockchain startup, Affyn, is preparing to launch London (750 plots), Dublin (500 plots) and Glasgow (500 plots) as part of Wave 1, in … Affyn Reveals The Next 44 Cities Set To Join NEXUS World Metaverse Read More »

access time image 02-02-2023 13:12

Nexus Mutual Hit With $3M in Ethereum Exposure to Orthogonal Trading Default

Nexus Mutual Hit With $3M in Ethereum Exposure to Orthogonal Trading Default

Crypto insurance protocol Nexus Mutual is the latest firm to get hit with the knock-on effects of FTX's collapse last month.

access time image 12-06-2022 10:17

DeFi Risk-Sharing Protocol Nexus Expects Loss on Maple Credit Pool Investment as FTX Contagion Widens

DeFi Risk-Sharing Protocol Nexus Expects Loss on Maple Credit Pool Investment as FTX Contagion Widens

Nexus Mutual, which offers an insurance alternative for decentralized finance traders, deposited some $19 million in ETH to Maple’s wrapped ether credit pool, which was rocked by Orthogonal Trading’s recent default.

access time image 12-05-2022 23:52

VC Firms Invest $2.7 Million in DeFi Insurer Nexus Mutual

VC Firms Invest $2.7 Million in DeFi Insurer Nexus Mutual

Multiple venture capital funds are contributing $2.7 million to Nexus Mutual’s Foundation treasury.

access time image 02-16-2021 14:01

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