Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191



The GLOS blockchain aspires to be an entertainment industry-specific blockchain. It is creating the world’s premier entertainment technology blockchain with the aim of improving the acquisition, retention, and monetization for entertainment industry apps. GLOS provides tools and protocols for free to apps built on its blockchain. It also helps app creators understand their data as well as the aggregated on-chain data better. App creators on the GLOS blockchain get to monetize the data that they collect as well as benefit from cross-app selling and marketing recommendations. GLOS will incubate its first app called the Star Incubation Social (SIS) app to be launched on the GLOS blockchain. This will be followed by the launch of the GLOS Artiste Alliance (GAA) app followed by subsequent DApps that contribute to the decentralization of the entertainment industry.

Full Name GLOS (GLOS)
Start Date 2019-09-09
Algorithm ETH Token
Proof Type N/A
Twitter N/A
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Block Number N/A
Block Time N/A
Block Reward N/A
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A

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