ChainZilla (ZILLA) Price $0.00
ChainZilla (ZILLA) 24h Vol
ChainZilla (ZILLA) Market Cap $0
ChainZilla (ZILLA) Circulating 0
ChainZilla is a company that streamlines blockchain development and deployment for various open source projects. It allows companies and individuals to launch blockchains, decentralized applications, and initial coin offerings with minimal effort. ChainZilla goal is to become the standard for Do-it-Yourself blockchain deployment and managed blockchain services. It offers end-to-end blockchain solutions and is collaborating with projects like NEM and Komodo Platform.
Full Name | ChainZilla (ZILLA) |
Start Date | 2018-11-06 |
Algorithm | Equihash |
Proof Type | DPoW |
Website | www.chainzilla.io/ |
@Chainzillaio | |
N/A | |
N/A | |
Block Number | 368751 |
Block Time | N/A |
Block Reward | N/A |
Total Coins Mined | N/A |
Previous Total Coins Mined | 11,000,062 |
Net Hashes Per Second | N/A |
ICO Details
ChainZilla is a company that streamlines blockchain development and deployment for various open source projects. It allows companies and individuals to launch blockchains, decentralized applications, and initial coin offerings with minimal effort. ChainZilla goal is to become the standard for Do-it-Yourself blockchain deployment and managed blockchain services. It offers end-to-end blockchain solutions and is collaborating with projects like NEM and Komodo Platform.
- Charles Gonzales: CEO.
- Enzo Costa: Social Media Manager.
- David Aguirre: Board Member.
- Cesar Zambrano: Blockchain Specialist.
ChainZilla ICO began on January 1, 2019. The ICO token supply represents 45.45% of the total token supply, so there is a total of 5,000,000 ZILLA tokens available, for 0.45 USD each. The ICO funding target is 250,000 USD, the funding cap is 2,250,000 USD and is expected to end on March 30, 2019 or when the funding cap is reached. Any unsold/remaining tokens will be burned or airdropped.
Token Reserve Split (54,55%):
- 31.83% Zilla fund;
- 18.18% Airdrops;
- 4.54% Bounties.
ChainZilla ICO features a bounty campaign.
ICO Status | Finished |
Token Supply | 11000000 |
Start Date | 2019-01-01 |
End Date | 2019-03-30 |
Fund Raised (BTC) | N/A |
Fund Raised (USD) | N/A |
Start Price (USD) | 0.45 |
Security Audit Company | N/A |
ICO Legal Form | S.A. |
ICO Jurisdiction | N/A |
Legal Advisers | N/A |
Blog | https://medium.com/chainzilla |
White Paper | ico.chainzilla.io/wp/ChainZilla_Whitepaper.pdf |