Cryptocurrencies: 25561
Markets: 101010
Market Cap: $3,001,809,522,182     
24h Vol: $118,438,087,191
1 Beldex (BDX) Rank 209
Beldex (BDX) Rank 209
Website Twitter
6,914,114,667 BDX

Beldex (BDX)

Beldex (BDX)


Beldex (BDX) Price

Beldex (BDX) 24h Vol

Beldex (BDX) Market Cap

Beldex (BDX) Circulating

Full Name
Beldex (BDX)
BTC Price
0.00000079 BTC
BTC Market
5,430 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
38 BTC
Total Coins Mined
6,914,114,667 BDX
-0.24 %
-0.24 %
-2.15 %

Beldex (BDX)


BELDEX is a cryptocurrency ecosystem that has emerged with the sole purpose of resolving some of the key issues faced by the crypto world like privacy, liquidity, and usability.

BELDEX coins cannot be traced back due to encryption. This is achieved by masking the sender and receiver addresses. With the usage of RingXT coin algorithm, BELDEX ensures “stealth” mode during the transactions.

Full Name Beldex (BDX)
Start Date N/A
Algorithm CryptoNight
Proof Type PoW
Twitter @BeldexCoin
Facebook N/A
Reddit N/A
Block Number N/A
Block Time 120
Block Reward N/A
Total Coins Mined 6,914,114,667 BDX
Previous Total Coins Mined N/A
Net Hashes Per Second N/A
Beldex (BDX) News
February Forecasts for Lesser-Known Cryptocurrencies Beldex and SKALE

February Forecasts for Lesser-Known Cryptocurrencies Beldex and SKALE

New month's shadow falls, Fed decision impacts, February brings key crypto developments. Beldex to undergo Bern Hardfork; SKALE announces payment updates, both may affect prices.Continue Reading:February Forecasts for Lesser-Known Cryptocurrencies Beldex and SKALE

access time image 01-31-2024 02:06

DWF Labs Invests $25M in Privacy Tech Startup Beldex

DWF Labs Invests $25M in Privacy Tech Startup Beldex

The funds will help promote the ecosystem of decentralized applications that protect user data.

access time image 02-23-2023 14:29

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