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Publish Date 2021-05-16 16:36:40

NFT Fractionalization Soars As The Industry Leader Unicly Presents Eight Multi-Million-Dollar Collections For The First Time

NFT Fractionalization Soars As The Industry Leader Unicly Presents Eight Multi-Million-Dollar Collections For The First Time

A platform that is known for its innovation in NFT fractionalization, Unicly has successfully launched its first-ever fractionalized collections and has established a devoted community of its stakeholders.

Unicly has now become the first-ever exchange forming an integration with CoinGecko. The integration was rather easier as Unicly is pretty similar to other AMM exchanges. The numbers for Unicly have been impressive as they have attracted liquidity worth 30 million USD and generated more than 20 million USD. Similarly, fractionalized NFTs’ worth on Unicly has now reached almost 70 million USD.

Unicly’s governance token, UNIC, is going to have its launch Tuesday at 10 am EST via liquidity mining.

Unicly protocol, since its launch on 7th April, has succeeded in attracting several major NFT collections that were available for fractionalization. More importantly, it also included 8 multi-million-dollar collections:

1.       50 CryptoPunks NFTs fractionalized into uPUNK

2.       Jenny DAO collection uJENNY

3.       HashMask collection uMASK

4.       Aavegotchi’s uGOTCHI

5.       Axie collection uAXIE

6.       Doki Doki collection uDOKI

7.       Autoglyphs collection uGLYPH

8.       Beeple collection uBEEPLE

Unicly, while forming his first governance, has added various famous tools such as uBEEPLE, uDOKI, uAXIE, uGOTCHI, uPUNK, and uJENNY, to its whitelist. The uTokens will be available for liquidity mining rewards in UNIC. This will allow the holders to provide liquidity, and they will be able to receive the governance token for Unicly protocol. This is a major factor in the fair distribution process which will make things easier for NFT owners in governing the Unicly protocol.

0xLeia, Unicly’s anonymous founder quoted,   “The community support for Unicly has been outstanding these past couple of weeks.” The founder further stated, “We’ve fractionalized some really cool collections already, the community is making its first governance decisions, and we’re beginning to attract liquidity and wider community interest. Unicly’s off to a really promising start.”

“Some NFTs have gotten so expensive that people are getting priced out of the market,” added 0xLeia. “I think the community has always wanted an NFT fractionalization platform, but nobody was able to provide a functional protocol before.”

The idea or objective to build Unicly is to address the needs of NFT markets so that users can own parts of any NFT and able to sell as fungible tokens. The structural design of Unicly avoids some of the flaws that have plagued other NFT fractionalization platforms, such as misaligned rewards that have turned people away from fractional NFTs.

“NFT fractionalization is an exciting space, and we’re very impressed with the feature-set and depth of thought that went into creating Unicly. The Aavegotchi Astronaut collection has found a comfy home!” -- Coder Dan

It doesn't matter which collection they are from; NFTs on Unicly are considered as totally unique. Moreover, the uToken holders, via voting, decide whether to sell NFT or not and capture the upside of the NFTs sold.

About Unicly

Unicly is the first practical and operational platform for NFTs’ fractionalization. It offers solutions for liquidity issues in which buyers and sellers fail to match. Therefore, Unicly allows the trading to happen via fungible, fractional uTokens.

Unicly is a program created by the NFT community’s anonymous members with the idea to sort out the usability issues that spoil the ecosystem. That is why this platform has support from some major NFT projects such as Sandbox, Aavegotchi, and Animoca.

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