The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of social life, including the ability to organize bridge tournaments. Thankfully, there is a solution available in the form of Bridge Champ. The online platform, developed by Jelurida, combines bridge gameplay with tournaments and a growing social context to connect millions of players globally.
Online Bridge Play Needed A Reboot
Although the internet became a mainstream technology many years ago, it has not been able to give everything a more modern look and feel. Taking the world of bridge as an example, it was often overlooked in the ongoing push toward digitization. Several platforms facilitate online bridge gameplay, but they either have a less-than-optimal user experience, require proprietary software, or are no longer actively maintained. It is a problem for those who enjoy playing this game online and making new friends through a common interest.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic created a golden opportunity to take bridge into the modern era. Organizing physical tournaments and club activities became more complex, and having an online "home" would make a significant difference. Unfortunately, the lack of powerful infrastructure made that transition a lot harder than it needed to be. Thankfully, things are looking up thanks to Bridge Champ, a blockchain-based solution developed by Jelurida.
The Bridge Champ platform, accessible through the browser and mobile application, serves as a core layer for online bridge gameplay. It features a play-to-earn engine, transparency, fraud reduction, and support for tournaments and other events. In addition, the platform is suitable for contract bridge, which has become one of the fastest-growing competitive and social sports worldwide. It is a game even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett enjoy occasionally.
Bridge Champ is a native blockchain which serves as a child chain of Ardor, developed by Jelurida. The child chain can have restrictions on available features to meet users' needs. However, Bridge Champ uses Ignis, removing any restrictions that might be put in place. It gives developers and users access to all features tailored specifically to the playing of bridge, without worrying about doing anything else. The blockchain will record game achievements, game outcomes, and enables players to earn tokens by participating in tournaments.
The Momentum of Contract Bridge
A solution like Bridge Champ is feature-rich, and it will facilitate the growing popularity of contract bridge. The highly social and intellectual game has a lengthy history and primarily focuses on player interaction. Jelurida is developing support for this game to ensure player interaction remains the key feature and will introduce video conferencing tools to facilitate communication. Support for contract bridge will enhance the social network aspect of Bridge Champ and serve as a use case for utility tokens.
It is due time online bridge achieves the same level as online poker and other card-based games. Adding a tournament system to bridge, including prize money, will make the base game and contract bridge a lot more popular globally. Bridge Champ has successfully sponsored a contract bridge tournament in 2021, attended by over 1,000 players. It received tremendous positive feedback from all participants and enthusiasts, highlighting the need for digital solutions.

Unlike traditional games, contract bridge revolves around players pairing up to take on other pairs. Cooperation with your partner is essential and adds another social layer to this ever-popular game. However, online communication in a competitive environment will always pose challenges. Jelurida has solved those aspects and established a platform catering to beginners and advanced players alike.
More Features Are Coming To Bridge Champ
The contract bridge module is currently in development, and Jelurida intends to streamline its support for bots further. More specifically, these bots enable newcomers and single-players to engage in [contract] bridge without partnering up with other players. That feature is still in beta but will receive ongoing enhancements to support higher levels of gaming, creating a more compelling option.
In addition, Bridge Champ will receive a native tournament system, slated for release in late 2022. These tournaments will enable players to earn rewards and use NFT technology to immortalize game achievements on the blockchain. Rewards-wise, the focus shifts to cryptocurrencies and how they can serve as utility assets through partners and other supporters.
All of these ongoing developments will strengthen Bridge Champ's marker position and help transform the casual gaming industry.