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Bitcoin Blockexplorer

Bitcoin Blockexplorer

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Block Summary
Block Hash 000000000000000000020ab7e615b8cc49e5c8f65f35963a76c31082b25ecfed
Previous Block Hash 000000000000000000038e45c7c734bb453cead4e1e9b19558441478a8a11a80
Merkle Root Hash 60847113d6d0016971d3bd74c81fb82443bb69e9c8e52c8cd0b494366b5d4c1a
Block Found Time 7 months ago / February 13, 2024 12:55:54 am
Block Height 830194
Block Index 830194
Transactions 3371
Bits 386120285
Size 1559182
Version 538263552
Nonce 1754436828

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